
Tips about Alternative
Health, Nutrition and Beauty

I only agree with foods which are natural, organic, 
OGM-free, Trade-Free, with no animal tortured, 
non-irradiated and non chemically modified ingredients.

Being vegetarian...
Being vegetarian is not only about quitting meat!!! 

Your health could actually get worse 
or you can get sicker 
trying to become vegetarian, 
if you are not careful.


Hi! My name is Marie-Jeanne, I am a nutrition consultant and advocate of the use of natural products.

Check out my blog; about my researches, articles & references of books concerning alternative health.
I have been collecting information for the last 20 years.

I will share my experience about becoming vegetarian:

  • What to eat?
  • What kind of food to buy?
  • How to prepare the food?
  • How to conserve food before cooking the meals?
  • How to conserve after cooking the meals?
  • Where do you get the proteins, if you do not eat meat?
  • Where can you get the essential vitamins 
  •  such as the vitamin B 12?
  • What food contains the minerals you need, 
  • such as Iron?
  • How to look younger, slimmer & save money!
Let’s keep in touch... I will post more information 
about alternative nutrition every week.

Vegetarian for the last 20 years.

You need first to educate yourself about alternative nutrition and health. I recommend you read books about how to become a vegetarian, before attempting a transformation.

 The Guide to Natural and Healthy Eating
written by Renée Frappier. 

I read this book 10 years ago; it is half educational 
& the other half contains recipes. That is the book that taught me how to cook naturally. I also photocopy some pages and stick them in my kitchen cupboard for references while cooking. 
She opened my mind to an array of possibilities. 
There is no point to re-write a book, hers his perfect.

Becoming vegetarian is a slow process that can takes years. Just start by changing one habit at the time 
(the worse one at first), no need to make any drastic changes. Here’s some general information 
about eating healthier.

You need to, as much as you can; 
eat food that is "ALIVE"

People spend a fortune on miracles diets, 
when they still eat empty calories.
Empty calories, is about eating dead foods, that has no nutritional values, it contains no more vitamins & minerals. 
What is the point of eating junk food just
because it tastes good. 

You will get addicted to the taste of natural food again.
By the way organic and natural food is much more tasteful.

Most of these multinational diet companies only train their staffs to manipulate women that want to loose weight and do not care about their health. They scrupulously want to empty wallets. I know I tried to work for one of these diet company and I quit because I can not lie & bullshit people to make money on their behalf.

Eating the best food is like putting the best fuel in your vehicle. If you had a Ferrari would you put gas with dirt in it. Most people I know rather have a nice car, nice gadgets, nice clothes to show off but do not want to spend the extra money on natural and organic food. I believe that health is more important than superficial materials.

But when people get fat, or get cancer or get old too fast, they rather pay for a miracle pills 
or stupid creams to patch up the problem.

Good Bye! Marie-Jeanne, Certified Nutrition Consultant

The information on this web site is purely my opinion
& is not intended as medical advice. 
Its intention is solely informational & educational. 
Always consult your physician or heath professional 
if you have any health related concerns.